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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Killing zombies.

Just in case you some how never seen a zombie movie or have any common sense,
if there is ever a zombie out break...... THE HEAD! don't wast ammo on the chest the leg the arm the brain!.

Few different kinds of zombies but still just get the brain and move on.
  • Rage zombies are more of the ones you see in 28 days later or left 4 dead, these suckers are mean, they run, jump, tackle, yell, maybe even hold wepons. It's be cool if you could take them down just by killing them like people but either way a head shot is game. Now these guys are gunna be fast but they arn't growing, they arnt getting nutrion, they are simply running off of what energy your body has been spening it's whole life storing in order to feed this worm or parisite. So with that said within a few days or weeks of these rage zombies running around all crazy like they will turn into a slower moving more conservative kind. drooping around lost in thier endless hunt.
  • limbo zombies are the slow moving ones you see in most of the movies, these are fun! they just kinda mone to alert any near by zombies that their is food hoping to overwhelm you with numbers, and limp slowly after you, only becuase the body is dieing or decomposing and can't support quick movement. The electrical impulses in their brain are week taking a long time to reack and limiting their capabillites.
Hit me up if you want to know anything at all or just want to here more ramblings about zombies.
Either way read the zombie servival guid if your interested, i don't have time to tell you everything you need to do.

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